Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
So far this half-term, we have written to...
Inform our parents about our class names:
Entertain by warning travellers of the dangerous monster that lives in the Viking Village of Strelley:
Next, we are writing to...
Inform Tarragon how to look after a baby dragon.
Some of the texts we've read this half-term:
Everything Vikings: Traders and Raiders How to be a Viking
We learn all about what happened to Britain after the Romans left in 410CE. Taking in the invasions by the Picts and Scots, then Angles, Saxons and Jutes, Vikings, and finally the Normans before the more settled period arrives after 1066CE. We learn all bout the change to every day life through the period, including how the people live, their religious beliefs and the changing Kingdoms of Britain.
Misty Mountain, Winding River:
We learn all about the journey of water, from the source of a river to the sea, and the water cycle. Whilst also finding out about how the mountains of the world are formed. We take in a fascinating view of how the world around us is formed and is continuously changing.
We learn all about the major civilisations of the world, from the Sumeranians who were the very first known civilisation, through the civilisations of South America including the Incas and Aztecs, and then finding out about the Egyptians. We begin to understand how our society has developed over the last 7,500 years and take in how different our society is now!