Safeguarding and Child Protection
Click here to see our full page on safeguarding and policies:
Support & advice for parents | NSPCC
The NSPCC has so much information and help resource for us all, including parents. Click on the image above for the parents page or you can find some useful information by clicking on the titles below:
talking to children about racism
The CEOP website site for parents will help you to better protect your children online.
Click on the logo above to go through to the main section for parents or click on the topic links below:
Gaming- what parents and carers need to know
Online content and staying safe
Worried about your child being sexually abused?
Worried about your child sex and relationships (including unhealthy relationships).
Another very useful website for children and families. Click on the image above to go to the website or you can watch the signed video below to explain the help you can access:
Other useful numbers:
Nottinghamshire Police
Call 999 or 0300 300 9999
You can also can provide crime-related information anonymously via the Crime Stoppers' platform; or 0800 555 111
Supporting Youth Empowerment: Discover Fearless Youth Support Services at Crimestoppers (
Children's Services
- Tel: 0115 876 4800
- Email:
You can call City MASH from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Outside these hours, the telephone number should be used for emergency safeguarding enquiries only.
Nottingham Children Safeguarding Board
There may be times, as a parent or carer, when you need help, advice or information when caring for your child. This page provides links to sites where you can access information and get advice on a number of subjects. It also gives advice for when children's social care, the police or the NSPCC are involved with your family.
- Child protection enquiries and child protection conferences
- Complaints about schools and academies
- Preventing child sexual abuse
- Online Sexual Harassment Guide
- Private fostering
- Useful contacts:
- Bullying
- Online safety
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)
- Family Lives
- Barnardos
- Kidscape
- Missing Person Helpline
- National Drugs Helpline
- The NHS website - NHS (
- Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation (PACE)
- Women's Aid Federation
- Parents Centre
- Sarah's Law (Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme) | Metropolitan Police