Attendance at DSA
Attendance at school is not only a legal requirement but also extremely important for all pupils. Pupils who have very high levels of attendance are much more likely to make progress, reach their potential and perform well academically. On the other hand, those pupils who have a poor attendance record are less likely to make progress, not reach their potential and perform less well academically. At Djanogly Strelley Academy we want to ensure that every pupil has the best possible opportunity to succeed and good attendance is an important part of this future success.
Attendance at school is a shared responsibility of parents/carers, pupils, school and the Local Authority. Absence from school for anything other than acceptable reasons needs to be avoided and all parties need to work together to ensure high attendance.
Please call Miss Thompson on 0115 8845913 selection option 1 if your child is absent for any reason. Please do this each day your child is absent.
We expect all pupil’s attendance to be 96% or above. Even 96% means that they have missed 7 school days!
Attendance will be monitored every half term.
If your child’s attendance falls below 95% you will receive a letter from school.
If your child’s attendance falls below 90% you will be expected to provide medical evidence (doctor’s appointment card, prescription etc) for any future days absence from school in that term. This will be marked as unauthorised until attendance is above 90%
If your child’s attendance is below 90%, you will be invited to meet with the Attendance Officer and have a meeting to discuss any barriers to getting your child to school.