In this section you can learn all about our curriculum and how Maths looks at DSA.
You will find lots of useful information such as links to resources (as well as top tips on how to use them), information about what is taught in each year group, outside projects for adults at home, and even a vocabulary and glossary page so you can know your denominators from your numerators!
At Djanogly Strelley Academy, children strive to achieve a deeper mathematical knowledge, applying the basic facts whilst also developing reasoning and mastery skills to develop a greater understanding of maths.
On our journey, we aim to develop a positive attitude towards maths, building confidence in each child’s understanding. All children are supported to achieve with scaffolded structures to support a wide range of learners. Thinking well requires knowing facts and developing fluency. Mathematical reasoning then provides a bridge to problem solving.
Long-Term Plan
What do we learn in each Key Stage?
In KS1, we have three, mixed Year 1 and 2 classes. In these classes, children will be following the same Long Term Plan provided by White Rose, placing units together from both Year group plans. Year 2 will have a Maths Arithmetic and two Reasoning test papers for their SATs.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 (LKS2) have scheduled daily times tables lessons to provide extra opportunity to develop a stronger knowledge of timetables before the Year 4 Multiplication Check.
Year 6 will also be working towards completing an Arithmetic test and two Reasoning tests.
Our Teaching Cycle
In each lesson, children will start by completing a set of four questions that consolidate prior learning and mental arithmetic.
We call this ‘Revisit and Retrieve’ (RR).
Each lesson follows the structure of ‘Explanation and Modelling’: the content followed by examples where the teacher is able to model how to complete their work. At this point, the class will complete a series of questions before regrouping together to self-mark their work. We believe that self-assessment helps children to learn whilst making corrections and solving misconceptions.
At the end of every lesson, children will have questions targeted towards developing key problem solving and reasoning skills (RPS).
Each week, children will take part in an Arithmetic lesson. This gives opportunity to practise times tables, complete arithmetic tests and complete fluency questions to maintain the important skills.
What do we learn in each Key Stage?
In KS1, we have three, mixed Year 1 and 2 classes. In these classes, children will be following the same Long Term Plan provided by White Rose, placing units together from both Year group plans.
Each week, children will take part in an Arithmetic lesson. This gives opportunity to practise times tables, complete arithmetic tests and complete fluency questions to maintain the important skills.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 have scheduled daily times tables lessons to provide extra opportunity to develop a stronger knowledge of timetables before the Year 4 Multiplication Check.
Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots
In each year group, every child will have a log in to Numbots or Times Tables Rock Stars. This is a game like programme which helps children to learn their times tables but in a fun and competitive way. The children can create their own avatar, earn coins and compete against their friends or against other classes.
Numbots is for early understanding of recall, fluency in mental addition and subtraction. As they progress, children can collect achievement badges and unlock new games and challenges.
Maths Club
Every Thursday, Year 3 and 4 have the opportunity to attend a Hot Meals and Homework Club. In these sessions, we provide extra support on key areas of maths, following the long-term plan of these year groups. The children feel as though they have more time to understand what they have learnt that week, play fun games, then receive a lovely hot meal!