Parent Survey and feedback
You said.... we did.
We would like more help so that we can support children better at home (parent survey below). | School improvement plan highlights this area as a priority (Click above to see the document). Coffee mornings 24-25 have teachers from all subjects in to talk to parents about how subjects are taught and ideas for helping at home. All subject leaders and teachers have a target to communicate with parents about ways to help at home. Hot meals and homework gives children chance to do additional support work at school and parents can come for dinner and talk to staff. Dojo posts are more consistent and show what children are learning in classes. School website to be improved and including links for each subjects. |
Parents would like more after school clubs and extra- curricular activities. | Calendar of clubs set up for over the year. Variety of activities on offer at lunch and after school for Key Stages 1 and 2. Hot meals and homework club Wednesday and Thursday - children attend a variety of clubs and siblings and parents come for dinner afterwards. School holiday clubs - we are awaiting HAF funding and working with partners, including Forest and Evolve, to provide more holiday clubs. Easter 2024 - holiday booster clubs took place. External providers: Forest, Music and sports coaches providing clubs. |
Our most recent survey was carried out by our parent governors in Summer term 2024.
We had 97 completed questionnaires, representing 37% of the 259 families with children in DSA. 64% of questionnaires were completed by pupil premium families which is representative of our school. 22% of questionnaires were completed by families who have children with SEND which is representative of our school.
Headline outcomes:
90% of parents strongly agree or agree that their child enjoys learning at Strelley
90% of parents strongly agree or agree that their child feel safe at Strelley.
89% of parents strongly agree or agree that are happy with the quality of education at Strelley.
87% of parents strongly agree or agree that their child is happy at Strelley.
97% of parents strongly agree or agree that school lets them know how their child is doing throughout the year. The main three ways were through dojo, talking with teacher and parent evenings.
Areas for development (where answers are less than 90% strongly agree or agree):
88% of parents strongly agree or agree that school communicates well with parents.
77% of parents strongly agree or agree that the school provides help they need to support their child's learning at home.
70% of parents strongly agree or agree that the school offers a good range of after school events and other extra-curricular activities.
Parent View
Parent View is a website that is run by Ofsted and the Department for Education. It gives parents the opportunity, by answering a series of 12 questions, to comment on their child's school.
At Djanogly Strelley Academy we really welcome your thoughts and feedback about the things that you think we do well, and the areas that you think we could do even better.
Please visit the Parent View website to set up an account and answer the questions about our school.
Thank you.