Ethos and Values
Academy Ethos and Values
Be the best you can be
Our vision is for everyone in our community: children, staff, governors and parents to be the best they can be.
We do this by:
Believing in ourselves and striving to improve
Valuing our education
Taking risks and learning from our mistakes
Accepting that we are all unique
Respecting different opinions - disagree respectfully
We are all proud to be part of our DSA family; part of an important community where home and school work together
Our learning behaviours
At DSA children are expected to:
Be ready – give 100% attention to the adults teaching and listen carefully, sit still on your chair/on the carpet, follow the instructions given, do your best with tasks given, learn from mistakes.
Be respectful – say please and thank you, hold doors open for adults, talk nicely to others, say good morning/afternoon, share items in the classroom and on the playground, face and listen to the person who is speaking.
Be safe – keep your hands and feet to yourself, tell an adult if something doesn’t feel right, keep your workspace in the classroom tidy, look after school property – in school and at home.
Our vision was reviewed in July 2024 in consultation with pupils, staff, parents and governors.