National Numeracy
At DSA, we are delighted to have been selected to work with the independent charity National Numeracy on an exciting project which encourages children and families to do maths together.
National Numeracy is the UK’s only charity dedicated to everyday maths. They aim to boost social mobility and inclusion through numeracy in communities where the need is greatest. You don’t have to be a maths expert to be able to support your children, but improving your own confidence with maths can help you feel more comfortable doing so.
We believe
- Numeracy is an essential skill – and an entitlement – for everyone. The economic success of the UK and the wellbeing of people individually are dependent on it
- Everyone can improve their everyday maths skills. Numeracy can be learnt. Mathematical understanding is not determined at birth
- Improvement takes effort and application. The real key to better numeracy skills is determination and resilience. Learning can be hard work for everyone
- Improving numeracy needs encouragement, support and good teaching. The education system, employers and politicians all have a part to play
- Negative attitudes are the foremost barrier to making the UK numerate. Removing them – getting rid of mistaken beliefs and the widespread ‘rubbish at maths’ tag – is fundamental to change
National Numeracy Strategy 2025-2028
Their Strategy sets out Three Big Changes. It outlines how they work – with partners and communities – and talks about their impact and priorities.
Their ambition is to empower half a million people to thrive using numeracy by 2028.
National Numeracy Challenge
We are offering all parents the chance to learn online with the National Numeracy Challenge.
The National Numeracy Challenge is a free and easy-to-use website that aims to help adults brush up without pressure on the numeracy skills which are needed in work and everyday life. Signing up gives you the chance to find out where your skills are, practise some of the things you find difficult and access online learning resources at the right level for you. Your activity on the National Numeracy Challenge is confidential and is not reported to the school. We are encouraging all parents and carers to register here.
We hope that you will take the opportunity and make the most of this exciting project.
What do you want to achieve?
‘Help Your Child Love Maths!’ Workshop
We will be holding a 1 hour workshop to parents and carers looking at National Numeracy’s top tips for supporting children to feel positive about maths. Keep an eye on the school Dojo page for more information on when this workshop will be held.
In the meantime, here are some of National Numeracy’s top tips for supporting children to develop positive attitudes towards maths.
The subtitles in the video can also be viewed in Welsh, Urdu, Romanian, Punjabi, Polish and Arabic.