Fraction Walls
A fraction wall is a way of showing different fractions on a poster, where the fraction parts can be drawn to look like bricks in a wall. This is a really useful way to help children learn about fractions, as it helps them to recognise the size of unit fractions (1⁄10, ½, 1⁄3 etc) and compare one fraction with another.
A fraction has two parts. A numerator (the top number) and a denominator (the bottom number). You could think of the / representing the phrase ‘out of’. For example, 3⁄8 is like saying 3 out of 8 parts.
We then use the fraction wall to compare the fractions. See can see which ones are the same as, bigger than, and smaller than.
Each year group will have different fractions that they learn about. Have look at the at home resources for more information.