Student Leaders
Our Student Leaders
At DSA we have several student leadership groups.
School Council - elected by our peers the school council represent pupil views across school. The school council are the voice of each of the classes and are able to feedback any views each class has. We will be meeting once every two weeks and feedback to each other.
Curriculum Enrichment Fundraising Team - volunteers who support the school in raising funds to help purchase equipment for after school clubs and activities, as well as helping towards funding school trips and visitors. So far the team have run discos, film nights and creative garden crafts.
Sustainability Squad - a group of students leading on Global Sustainability Goals. They organised a Harvest so that school were able to donate to the local foodbank. Currently, they are focusing on gender equality and creating toiletry bags to be given out through Shelter.
Kindness Ambassadors - our kindness ambassadors do what their job title says.
Librarians - These pupils keep our library smart and the books well looked after. Catch them sharing books at lunch time.